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Expand your network and build your own sustainable supply chain

Receive assistance in establishing your circular fashion business.


Circular supply chain simplified

Are you struggling transitioning to a circular fashion business?Committing to a circular fashion economy requires effective connections between brands, suppliers, and solution providers. Without proper collaboration and support, challenges arise in achieving your sustainability goals.

Manufy is a member driven 360-degree European sourcing solution to connect brands, suppliers, and solution providers. We offer simple matchmaking, to 1 to 1 consultancy services, depending on the pain points that you need help with within your brand.

Learn more about circular services and how they can benefit your business model

Why Manufy?

Navigate your sustainable journey with expert assistance and guidance every step on the way.
Sustainable production network
Learn more about circular solutions and the available partners on our B2B platform.
Tailored circular infrastructure
Create tailor-made solutions for setting up Europe-wide circularity infrastructure for your brand.
Personalized consultancy
Modelling the effects on implementing a circular solution based on footprint and profit level of your brand.
Implementation Assistance
Implementation support for your new circularity partner. We are here to ease your projects.

Začnite lahkotno potovanje proti bolj ozaveščenemu svetu mode


Preko Manufyja se lahko povežemo z različnimi visokokakovostnimi trajnostnimi proizvajalci po vsej Evropi. Tržnica nam pomaga prihraniti čas in omogoča jasno komunikacijo s partnerji. Poleg tega so transakcije s temi proizvajalci zaščitene z garancijo, zaradi česar je vzorčenje pri novih partnerjih veliko varnejše.

Eugenié Haitsma Muiler
Solastnik podjetja MARTAN
Partner brand

Občutek, da nikoli nismo sami pri krmarjenju s kompleksnostjo proizvodnje, je nekaj, kar še posebej cenimo pri Manufyju. Njihova strokovna in specifična pomoč zagotavlja, da je rešitev vedno pri roki, ne glede na izziv.

Ludvik in Leander
Soustanovitelj WAVE PROGRESS

Manufy mi je pomagal najti nove proizvodne partnerje za vse vrste kategorij naše blagovne znamke salonarjev. Komunikacijski sistem je olajšal brskanje po pogodbah z različnimi proizvajalci, kar je poenostavilo moje načrtovanje proizvodnje.

Karel Bosman
Soustanovitelj Pockies

Create new sustainable fashion projects

Are you facing challenges in finding sustainable and ethical sources for materials and production processes? Manufy platform offers a comprehensive solution, simplifying your production process from start to finish, streamlining your sustainable fashion journey. Dive into our sustainable sourcing solutions!

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Ready to start your sustainable fashion journey?

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